TS ECET Exam syllabus is updated here. The candidates who applied for Telangana ECET 2017 can check TS ECET exam pattern and syllabus. So students who are preparing for the Engineering Common Entrance Test can download TS ECET Syllabus pdf from our page.
ECET Exam Overview
1 TS ECET Syllabus
- 1.1 Telangana ECET Syllabus Overview
- 1.2 Telangana ECET Exam Pattern
- 1.3 TS ECET Exam Pattern for Engineering
- 1.4 Telangana ECET 2017 – B.Sc (Mathematics)
- 1.5 Pharmacy Exam Pattern – TS ECET
- 1.6 Telangana ECET 2017 – Mathematics Syllabus
- 1.7 TS ECET Exam Syllabus – Chemistry
- 1.8 TS ECET Syllabus 2017 – Physics
- 1.9 Telangana State ECET Syllabus 2017 Engineering
- 1.10 TS ECET Mechanical Engineering Syllabus 2017
- 1.11 Telangana ECET Civil Engineering Syllabus 2017
- 1.12 TS ECET Electrical and Electronics Engineering Syllabus
- 1.13 TS ECET Electronics and Communication Engineering new Syllabus
- 1.14 TS ECET Computer Science Engineering Syllabus 2017
- 1.15 Latest TS ECET 2017 Ceramic Technology Syllabus
- 1.16 TS ECET Chemical Engineering Syllabus 2017
- 1.17 TS ECET Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus 2017
- 1.18 TS ECET Mining Engineering Syllabus 2017
- 1.19 TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for Bio-Technology
- 1.20 TS ECET Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus 2017
- 1.21 TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for Pharmacy
- 1.22 TS ECET 2017 Syllabus for Pharmaceutics
- 1.23 TS ECET 2017 Syllabus for Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 1.24 TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for Pharmacognosy
- 1.25 TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for Pharmacology
- 1.26 TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for B.Sc. Mathematics
- 1.27 TS ECET Mathematics Syllabus 2017
- 1.28 TS ECET Analytical Ability Syllabus
- 1.29 TS ECET Communicative English Syllabus
TS ECET Syllabus
Telangana State Government released ECET Notification to fill vacancies in various Engineering, Pharmacy colleges. A huge number of candidates applied for ECET exam 2017 to seek admission into 2nd year of B.Tech courses. Most of the candidates are searching for TS ECET Exam Syllabus. Therefore for the candidates like you, we are providing TS ECET Syllabus.
Engineering, B.Sc (Mathematics), Pharmacy stream syllabus is available on our page. The ECET Syllabus is the main thing to appear for TS ECET exam 2017. With the ECET Syllabus, you can prepare for ECET exam quickly. As the syllabus is different for various streams, you can find stream wise TS ECET Exam topics on our page. We are providing the direct link of ECET Exam Syllabus. So the interested candidates can download ECET exam syllabus and TS ECET Previous Papers.
Telangana ECET Syllabus Overview
Description | Details |
Name of the Organization | Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. |
Exam Name | Engineering Common Entrance Test (ECET). |
Category | Syllabus. |
Official Website | www.tsecet.in |
Telangana ECET Exam Pattern
As the exam pattern for TS ECET differs for different streams, the candidates can check their respective stream exam patterns in the below tables.
Download Last 5 Years TS ECET Previous Papers PDF
TS ECET Exam Pattern for Engineering
Sl.no | Subjects | Marks |
1 | Mathematics | 50 |
2 | Physics | 25 |
3 | Chemistry | 25 |
4 | Technical Subject | 100 |
Telangana ECET 2017 – B.Sc (Mathematics)
Sl.no | Subjects | Marks |
1 | Mathematics | 100 |
2 | Analytical ability | 50 |
3 | Communicative English | 50 |
Pharmacy Exam Pattern – TS ECET
Sl.no | Subjects | Marks |
1 | Pharmaceutics | 50 |
2 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 50 |
3 | Pharmacognosy | 50 |
Telangana ECET 2017 – Mathematics Syllabus
- Trigonometry
- Differential Equations
- Matrices
- Differentiation & Integration
- Analytical Geometry
- Complex Numbers
TS ECET Exam Syllabus – Chemistry
- Atomic Structure
- Acids, Bases & Solutions.
- Water Technology.
- Chemical Bonding.
- Fuels
- Environmental chemistry.
- Polymers
- Water Technology
- Electrochemistry.
TS ECET Syllabus 2017 – Physics
- Work, Power, and Energy.
- Heat & Thermodynamics
- Modern Physics
- Simple Harmonic motion & Acoustics
- Kinematics and Friction
- Elements of Vectors
- Units and Dimensions
Telangana State ECET Syllabus 2017 Engineering
As the syllabus varies for the each stream in Engineering, we are providing streamwise TS ECET Exam Syllabus. So the candidates who are searching for the Telangana ECET branch wise syllabus and exam pattern here. Then what are you waiting for? Quickly go through the following sections and download the syllabus for Telangana Engineering Common Entrance Test.
TS ECET Mechanical Engineering Syllabus 2017
- Automobile Engineering.
- Thermodynamics.
- Workshop Technology.
- Refrigeration
- Steam Boilers, Turbines & Nozzles.
- Design of Machine Elements.
- Engineering Materials & Solid Mechanics.
- Welding, Forging, Foundry and Conventions in drawing.
- Industrial Management and Engineering
- Hydraulic Machines and Pneumatics.
Telangana ECET Civil Engineering Syllabus 2017
- Theory of Structures
- Hydraulics
- Surveying
- Irrigation Engineering
- Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Strength of Materials.
TS ECET Electrical and Electronics Engineering Syllabus
- Basic Electrical Engineering.
- A.C And D.C Machines.
- Batteries & Measuring Instruments.
- A.C. Circuits And Transformers.
- Power System Generation & Protection
- Basic Electronics and Digital Electronics
- Power Electronics
- Micro Controller
- Electric Traction.
- Electrical Estimation.
TS ECET Electronics and Communication Engineering new Syllabus
- Micro controllers and Microprocessors.
- Audio Video Systems.
- Digital Electronics.
- Circuit Theory.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits.
- Industrial and Power Electronics.
- Electronic Measuring Instruments.
- Advanced Communication Systems.
- Communication Systems.
- Data Communications and Computer Networks.
TS ECET Computer Science Engineering Syllabus 2017
- Java Programming
- Object Oriented Programming Through C++.
- C and Data Structures.
- Operating Systems.
- Computer Networks & Organization
- Digital Electronics & Microprocessors
- Internet Programming.
Latest TS ECET 2017 Ceramic Technology Syllabus
- Enamels and Glazes.
- Glass Technology.
- Cement Technology.
- Geology and Mineralogy of Ceramic Raw Materials.
- Advanced Ceramics.
- Fuels, Furnaces & Pyrometry.
- White Ware & Heavy Clay Ware.
TS ECET Chemical Engineering Syllabus 2017
- Heat Transfer
- Chemical process principles.
- Material Technology.
- Inorganic Chemical Technology.
- Organic Chemical Technology.
- Energy Technology & Plant Operation.
- Fluid mechanics.
- Instrumentation & Process control.
- Environmental Studies and Pollution Control Engineering.
- Mass Transfer
- Mechanical unit operations.
- Thermodynamics and Reaction Engineering.
TS ECET Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus 2017
- Elementary Principles of Metallurgy.
- Fuels, Refractories, and Pyrometry.
- Material Testing.
- Metallurgical Thermodynamics.
- Welding Technology.
- Physical Metallurgy.
- Mechanical Metallurgy.
- Heat Treatment Technology.
- Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy.
- Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy.
- Foundry Technology.
TS ECET Mining Engineering Syllabus 2017
- Mining Geology.
- Methods of Working – Coal.
- Mine Surveying.
- Methods of Working Metal.
- Mine Environmental Engineering – 1.
- Mine Environmental Engineering – 2.
- Mining Legislation and Mine Management.
- Elements of Mining.
- Mining Machinery – 1.
- Mining Machinery – 2.
TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for Bio-Technology
- Bio-Physics.
- Genetics and Cell Biology.
- Microbiology.
- Enzyme Engineering.
- Basic Industrial Biotechnology.
- Bio-Reactor Engineering.
- Molecular Biology – Genetic Engineering.
- Plant Bio-Technology.
- Bio-Bioinformatics.
- Animal Bio- Technology.
TS ECET Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus 2017
- Electrical Engineering.
- Industrial electronics and control engineering.
- Electronics.
- Digital Electronics.
- Electronic Measuring Instruments.
- Process Instrumentation.
- Process Control.
- Communications and Linear IC Applications.
- Analytical and Biomedical instrumentation.
- Micro controller & PLCs.
TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for Pharmacy
The Syllabus for the streams of Pharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry are available in the below section.
TS ECET 2017 Syllabus for Pharmaceutics
- Pharmaceutics – I.
- Pharmaceutics – II.
- Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence.
TS ECET 2017 Syllabus for Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry – I.
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry – II.
- Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology.
TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacognosy.
- Pharmacology and Toxicology.
- Drug Store & Business Management.
- Hospital Pharmacy & Clinical Pharmacy.
TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for Pharmacology
- Health Education
- Human Anatomy & Physiology.
- Community Pharmacy subjects.
TS ECET Syllabus 2017 for B.Sc. Mathematics
For B.Sc Mathematics, the subjects in the TS ECET exam are Mathematics, Analytical Ability, and Commutative English. Therefore, We are providing the subject wise ECET 2017 Syllabus for B.Sc Maths below.
TS ECET Mathematics Syllabus 2017
- First Order & First degree Differential Equations
- Higher-Order Linear Differential Equations.
- Permutations
- Elements of Number Theory.
- Vector Differentiation & Integration
- Binary Operations
- Cyclic Groups
- Normal Subgroups and Factor Groups.
- Plane & Sphere.
- Real Numbers.
- Sequences and Series.
- Determinants
- Systems of Linear Equations
- Vector Spaces.
- Linear Transformations and Matrices.
TS ECET Analytical Ability Syllabus
- Coding & Decoding Problems
- Data Sufficiency.
- Data Analyis
- Sequences and Series.
- Date, Time and Arrangement Problems.
TS ECET Communicative English Syllabus
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Error Analysis
- Reading Comprehension
- Functional English
- Rearrangement of Parts in Sentences.
The Telangana State ECET Syllabus for different streams are provided. Therefore, the candidates who applied for TS Engineering Entrance Test can download the TS ECET Syllabus Pdf. Visit the official site for more details about TS Engineering common Entrance Exam 2017.
In Tsecet chemistry syllabus
Water technology is given twice .
What will be the explanation
Syllabus is given,but chapter wise weightage is needed. Pls gove the weightage also.
clarity weightage lo marks we want sir
sir please keep total chapter wise syllabus